Wham’s General Pest Control: welcome to a pest-free home

From common household pests to stubborn intruders, our general pest control service is dedicated to keeping your home pest-free with expertise and care

Wham’s General pest control in Sydney includes the extensive management and treatment of a wide range of common pests that can invade your living or working space.

Our Service


Spiders include venomous ones like the black widow as well as brown spiders. But white tail spiders are also worth mentioning, as they are also common in Australia. Although they’re not considered harmful, they can bite when threatened, and while their bites are usually not lethal, they can cause discomfort. Although many Spiders are beneficial because they prey on other pests, some can become nuisances by creating unsightly webs or causing discomfort.



while German cockroaches are often the most prevalent and problematic species, other types of cockroaches can also pose significant challenges. They are common pests known for their ability to spread disease and contaminate food and surfaces. They can quickly infest homes and businesses.


Silverfish are small, silvery insects found in damp, dark areas like bathrooms and kitchens. They feed on starchy materials and reproduce quickly. While they don’t harm humans directly, they can damage household items. Controlling moisture and eliminating food sources are key to managing infestations.


Earwigs are small insects with distinctive pincers found in moist, dark environments like gardens and mulch beds. They are omnivorous and may occasionally damage plants. Earwigs are nocturnal and they are known for their rapid movements and may release a foul-smelling odor when threatened.


Moths are a diverse group of species, the ones that cause harm to humans typically include species whose larvae infest stored grains, pantry items, or textiles. These pests can damage food supplies and fabrics, leading to economic losses and inconvenience.

External Treatment

Bifenthrin will be applied using a backpack sprayer or pump, focusing on the front, sides, and back of the house. The house base and detail areas like door/window frames, utilities, downpipes, windowsills, vents, eaves, and gutters will be sprayed. Verandahs, patios, porches, and the letterbox will be treated. Depending on the property size, the treatment will be extended to the fenceline, garden edges, play equipment, sheds, and areas showing pest activity using the remaining chemicals.


Internal Treatment

Using a battery-operated blower, apply Stardust Pro to the roof void. Then, spray the perimeter and skirting. Treat cornices, door and window frames, and areas with visible pest activity, making sure to avoid children’s toys and pet bowls. For spider concerns, aerosol products such as Chaindrite or Clearout Plus IGR will be applied in sensitive areas like cupboards and above kitchen benches to target spiders.



Any pest issues you’re experiencing will be discussed and inspection of the property for items such as dog bowls and washing lines that shouldn’t be sprayed will take place. Based on your comments, the appropriate chemicals to use and areas to focus on will be determined. Additionally, we will identify any areas with existing issues that require extra attention.


Wrap Up

Any advice needed and any feedback about your home and how you can reduce pest issues will be provided.





Competitive Prices

29+ Years Experience

Safe & High-Quality Products

Odorless Treatments

Same-Day Service (Sydney)