Wasp control


About Wasp control

Effective Waps Control Solutions

If you notice a significant presence of wasps in your home or garden, there’s a strong possibility that there’s a nest nearby. Being stung by a wasp, hornet, or bee can cause intense pain and, for those allergic to stings, it can even be life-threatening.

How to treat Wasps

Donning protective gear against stinging insects, Wham Bam wasp control specialists apply targeted treatments to nests based on the type of wasp and its location on your property. Once the colony is eradicated, technicians remove the nest entirely to prevent future occupation by hornets. Additionally, expert advice is provided to assist in preventing future wasp infestations or nest formations.

How to avoid getting wasps
  1. Stay calm and avoid swatting.
  2. Keep food covered and clean up spills.
  3. Wear protective clothing outdoors.
  4. Avoid strong scents and bright colors.
  5. Stay away from nests and seal entry points.
  6. Keep outdoor areas tidy to reduce attractants.
  7. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

Get Professional Wasp Control from us

With 29 years of experience in pest control, we can help you get rid of Wasps.
We can control ants and eliminate them from your property with advanced pest control techniques.